Piece Values refer to – generally speaking – how valuable pieces are. All the pieces: the Pawns, Bishops, Knights, Rooks, Queens, And Kings: have numerical values assigned to generally reflect the strength of that piece. These are only guidelines, but helpful guidelines nonetheless for the beginning player. Pawns. Value: 1 Pawns are in a category…
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The Pawn The Pawn can move 2 spaces in the beginning. Afterwards, if unblocked, it can only move one space. On the first move, the White pawn moves forward 2 spaces. If a pawn is on the starting square and isn’t blocked, it can move 2 squares forward. However, after after it’s off of its…
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What Are They? Chess pieces are the objects used to play chess: each have their own name, their own range of movement, and values. Pawns: can move 2 spaces forward when first moving forward. After that initial leap, they can only move one space if unblocked. If a pawn reaches the end of the board,…
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What is Chess? Chess is a two-player game, a strategy game played on a 8×8 board with 16 pieces for each sides: The pawns, bishops, knights, rooks, queens, and the kings. What is the Goal of Chess? The goal of Chess is to Checkmate the King, or force your opponent to resign. In other words:…
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Welcome to the Beginners Page! This section and its following pages are dedicated to teaching some basic chess concepts: the fundamentals that will be useful in your chess games when starting off. These range from mating patterns, openings, how not to lose in 10 moves or less – and more! The pages are organized from…
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Chess Academies These Chess Academies are arguably the most useful for cultivating growth and development in one’s chess skills – whether starting off, improving in tournament chess, and forming connections with fellow chessplayers and coaches. Academies offer a wide range of services: online camps, coach guidance, and many more. An additional benefit is that the…
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Listed below are highly recommended chess coaches near the Seattle area. These coaches are recommended because of: ease of availability, pricing, punctuality, and in general, their teaching quality. These are all excellent teachers with experience and unique teaching styles. In this present time of crisis, all of them support online classes. If none of them…
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How to Reassess Your Chess by Jeremy Silman Score: 5/5 How to Reassess Your Chess is widely considered to be a modern classic, and for me, it lives up to its reputation—and more. It is one of the finest instructional books I have ever read, chess book or not. This book is mainly focused on…
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The recommended books here are excellent for the improving amateur. These books emphasize fundamentals, and are of great instructional value for improving chess players. 1) Winning Chess Openings by Yasser Seirawan 2) Winning Chess Strategies by Yasser Seirawan 3) How to Reassess Your Chess by Jeremy Silman 4) How to Beat Your Dad at Chess by…
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